Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best way to maintain my concrete?
Clean your concrete as often as needed with a pressure washer. Then, seal it with a good siloxane-based sealer every few years (water repellent). Last but definitely not least, make sure your concrete is installed in a fashion that promotes proper drainage, preventing water from ever pooling on the slab. Water setting on the slab is typically not an issue in the summer months, but cool winter temps can be a real problem in many ways.
Why does my driveway have popouts (small areas about the size of a dime to a quarter in size and about 1/4" deep)?
The divots you see are referred to as aggregate popouts. They are caused by soft rock used in your concrete mix. Aggregate popouts occur most often during winter conditions in cold climates that experience below freezing temps. This is because the aggregate used to produce your concrete contained soft rocks, almost like chalk. The soft rocks absorb moisture, and when they freeze, that moisture expands, popping out of place and causing the divots in your driveway.
This is not an installer-caused problem. Instead, it’s caused by the aggregate used by the supplier.
Why is my new concrete different colors?
There are many reasons why this may occur. It may be due to changes in cementitious materials, fine aggregate sources in subsequent batches, or different loads of concrete. Sections of your concrete may have been poured with different water-to-cement ratios, meaning some loads of concrete were poured with more added water than others. All concrete loads needed to complete your project should all be batched with the same slump.
Another reason for differing colors could be attributed to calcium chloride being used in the pour, assisting it in setting faster. This additive is most commonly used in cold weather conditions - such as in the fall and spring. Setting accelerants should always be used in lesser amounts if possible.
Why is my concrete cracking?
First, all concrete cracks. We, as installers, try to place control joints in proper places in your slabs so that when concrete cracks, it’s in the areas it is supposed to. Control joints need to be installed the same day or the next day at the latest. The joints should also be divided evenly throughout the slab and must be 1/4 the thickness of the slab.
Second, concrete installed on poorly compacted fill or bad fill tends to crack faster and in other areas aside from the control joints.
Why does my concrete settle?
Exterior concrete installed on most new projects does not sit on footings or foundation walls. Fill material, used to backfill around new structures, settles over time, and compacts with rain showers. Make sure that your concrete is placed on properly compacted fill. Fill should also be well-draining, and you should make sure that the site of your concrete sheds water away from the concrete slabs.